The First Field Survey in Ocean and Lands of Shenzhen Bay


The project team has conducted a comprehensive and detailed field survey at Shenzhen Bay on 28 June-1 July and 6 July-9 July, encompassing both the Shenzhen and Hong Kong sides. The survey also covered the mangrove area in Shenzhen Bay. 

The data collected from this survey is set to establish one of the most comprehensive datasets for Shenzhen Bay to date. Such a valuable resource will undoubtedly contribute significantly to our understanding of this remarkable ecosystem.

The success of this challenging cross-border survey is attributed to the active contributions of the supporting members from HKUST, XMU, and SUSTech. 
The survey included comprehensive mapping of the Shenzhen Bay area, as well as a 2-day, 24-hour time series data collection. We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the front-line researchers involved. Their tireless efforts and unwavering dedication have been essential in gathering the necessary data and ensuring the success of the survey.

SZ Bay Mapping
SZ Bay (HK)
SZ Bay(SZ)