The First Field Survey in Ocean and Lands of Greater Bay Area


We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the survey on the river basin of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) on July 11, 2024. This cruise is led by Dr. CHENG Weicong, Prof. LIU Yi, and Prof. Ji Qixing, with the participation of 26 members from HKUST, HKUST-GZ, and XMU. The field survey is expected to span a duration of 20 days.

This scientific cruise comprises two main components: (1) mapping and (2) process-oriented tasks. The mapping phase will involve comprehensive efforts to chart the area, while the process-oriented tasks will include two cross-shore sections and one time series station. Please note that the order of the process-oriented tasks may be adjusted based on the on-site situation.

We sincerely hope for favorable weather conditions throughout the survey, and we express our wishes for fruitful outcomes and the utmost safety for every member on board.

Stay tuned for future updates as we delve deeper into this remarkable research expedition.

weather station
set up
cruise group photo
Cruise Plan